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After 200 days, a chance to attend a rayar in the ministry – Indian News Live

– Today the main gate of the monastery is open

Raichur: The Mantralaya Math, which had been shut down by the Rai Vrindavan Darshan for the devotees in the wake of the coronation, has now been opened for devotees.

The main gate of the monastery was opened today, allowing pilgrims to walk in the Rai’s monastery after 200 days. Since March 21, devotees have not been allowed to visit. Thus the monastery was completely bundled. Visitation of devotees from 8 am to 4 pm today.

Coronation law is mandatory in the monastery, and the monastery’s governing body has suggested that devotees attending the Rai’s visit must wear a mask and maintain a social gap.

The Sree Subhudhendra Tirtha, the head of the background monastery, offered a special puja to devotees. Rai’s devotees are pleased to have been allowed to enter the premises of the monastery. After spending some time in the monastery returning to the darshan.


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