Home India Another accused in Mangalore Drugs Network – Indian News Live

Another accused in Mangalore Drugs Network – Indian News Live

– Sam, who boasts about many actors and actresses, including Anushree

Mangalore: Mangalore police have intensified investigation into the drug case. Dancer Kishore Aman Shetty has been arrested by the police every day after arrest. Police have now arrested another dance choreographer.

Kishore’s old ally Sam Fernandes has been arrested by Mangalore CCB police in Bangalore. Further information on the narrator Anushree has been made available to the CCB police after Sam was interrogated by Tipical Police Style. It is reported that Sam Fernandes has claimed to have told police that he had seen Anushree at parties run by Kishore.

The party was being held in Mangalore and Bangalore. Sam said he attended parties that took place on both sides. Sam boasts that the actress and actresses of Belithere, television and reality show including Anushree attended the party. Thus all those who attended the party have now begun.

On the other hand, the issue of political pressure to cover up the entire case has come to light lately. It is known that a Mangalore MLA tried to release him from Kishore Arrest on the same day. Kishore Shetty is reportedly trying to be removed from the case by a well-known young businessman from Mangalore, who attended the Kishore Party and was a cricket bookie. But CCB police have continued to investigate the case without any pressure. The overall Mangaluru drug case is getting a twist from day to day, with the possibility of further intoxication in the next few days.


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