Anupama 10th February 2021 Written Episode Update: Anu was afraid of seeing her bandaged hands. They burned a little, so they were bandaged, says Samar. She insists on removing them. All 3 children stop her. Vanaraj asks her to rest. She has to manage her house with her 2 hands and she remembers her daily chores, cooking for the family, pressing the ba legs, giving Bapuji medic shahadis, braiding Pakhi’s hair, grooming the sammar, preparing khanhaji bhog / prasad and praying to him. The children ask her to rest again. The principal of the school, with the teachers, rushes to Anu’s. Anu says she is fine. The principal says he was at a meeting and came to hear about the accident. Anu says the manager asked Sir to give her the induction stove, but he gave her the gas stove. The principal thanked her for saving the students, asking her to rest at home until she was completely healed and let no one know about the accident and let her handle it. Anu asks not to tell anyone about the fire accident as everyone knows it. Principals go back home and ask for rest. Anu goes away, telling Samar that she does not understand what the Principal means.
At home, Ba fears Anu’s worries. Kinjal comforts her. Nandini asks what if it is something for Anu Aunty. Kinjal says nothing happened, then why should they think about it, her mummy is so good, nothing wrong with her. Anu returns home. Ba asks if she is fine and asks how her hands burned. Anu describes the whole incident. When Ba was with the students, she did not know that nothing would happen to her, nor did she know that her Ba was courageous. Mamaji jokes that Anu hasn’t spent 25 years with Ba. Bapuji says her daughter is very brave and strong. Nandini praises Kinjal who says that someone else may have lost their mind in that situation, but Mummy handled it well. Bapuji says that Anu can sacrifice her life for mother and children. Pakhi says the whole school is now a fan of her after today’s incident. Samar says everyone was praising her. Ba thanks God for having her back safely home. Anu asks her how to make Kanhaji Bhog. Ba says he will prepare it and thank God for saving Anu and the students’ lives. Anu asks how she does all the work and tries to remove the bandage. Ba stops her and makes her nazar that the evil eyes are stuck on her multiple. Anu cried emotionally. Ba asks for a rest now. Kinjal goes to make tea for everyone. Bapuji tense Vanraj and asks if everything is fine. Anupama does not understand worldly behavior properly, there has been an accident at school and someone will be blamed, says Vanraj. Bapuji then asks if he is being blamed. Vanraj nods yes.
The next morning, Anu dreams of a fire accident and sees Samar lying in bed. Samar cries that he is not a good son; He was on fire in front of his eyes, but he stood helpless. She says that when she caught fire, she did not see death but saw the face of him, Pakhi and Toshu, which encouraged her to fight. Pakhi brings his turmeric milk. Anu tries to hold the glass, but writes painfully. Samar and Pakhi feed her.