Home India Anupama 25 October 2020 Written Episode Update Devika Vanraj clash

Anupama 25 October 2020 Written Episode Update Devika Vanraj clash

Anupama 25 October 2020 Written Episode Update Devika Vanraj clash

Anupama 24 October 2020 Written Update Devika Wanraj recalls the violent outburst of clash Vanaraj Anupama. Devika confronts Vanaraj for her relationship and cheating. She asks what Amnupama saw in her very disturbed bedroom. She wants to know if Anupama is holding him as a red hand. She tells him that she had warned Anupama before, but Anupama did not believe her. She thinks she’s been okay ever since.

She is upset that Anupama’s faith is broken. She knows he will never tell the truth. She warns him again. She tells him that just as he ruined his life, he would reveal his truth to the family and ruin his life. Pakhi, Samar and Paritosh want to break Anupama’s silence and talk to him. Kavya wants to know about Anupama. Nandini has no clue.

Devika meets Kavya and blames Anupama for hurting her. She accuses Kavya of crossing the limits of humanity. She wants an answer. She wants to know what Anupama’s fallen poetry has done. She threatens Kavya. She wants to see the Kavya Anupama kingdom. She also says that Kavya Anupama and Vanaraj’s family must also be confronted. She says the poetry family must answer. Poetry does not like to go there. Devika orders her to give him answers.

Poetry begs her to leave. She doesn’t want to go to Vanaraj’s house. Devika asks her to tell everyone about the incident. She asks the poet to apologize to Anuvama. She claims that Anupama lost her senses even after she became conscious. She reveals how the family has been crying for unhappiness. Anupama asks her to tell the truth in order to get proper treatment. Anupama is acting insane, she says her children are in a lot of pain seeing her condition.

Nandini wants to tell Kavya what happened. Poetry is afraid to accept the truth. She admitted that she was having a weak moment and fell into the hands of Vanaraj, who saw Anupama together. Devika finds Kavya disgusting. Nandini is ashamed of poetry. She listens to poetry, how she gave so much love and respect when she betrayed the faith of Anupama.

The family wants to get Anupama treatment. Her condition worries the family more. Bapu ji is under pressure. Wanraj searches for her. Anupama’s .Ba says that he knows about them. Vanraj realizes Anupama’s worth. He gets a call of poetry and puts out anger on her. She mentions the threat of Devika. She says that Devika has learned her truth. Vanaraj shouts at her for not using her mind. He can’t handle everyone at once. He asks her to come home and tell her parents the truth. He accuses her of creating drama.

He knows that Devika and Sanjay will not leave her. Devika tells Vanaraj that she will not calm down. Vanaraj gets tense when Devika holds her collar. She reprimands him for crossing the limits of shame. She is calm enough to reduce the tension in the family. She does not want to bring shame on him by revealing his truth. She wants Anupama to be fine and tell the truth to herself. Vanraj is getting worse.

Vanraj is cursed that he is too disturbed by his affections. Ba imagines Anupama in the kitchen. She escapes unscathed. She wants Anupama to be normal. The family escaped unscathed and shed tears. Vanaraj also misses Anupama. He didn’t think his cheating would shred her. He was thinking he could easily fool her with his love. Little did he know that his love had become her whole life. Kavya feels about Anupama’s bad condition.

Anupama is disturbed to see the intimacy of Vanaraj and Kavya. She meets Vanaraj to confront him. He tries to win her trust again. She does not listen to him. She wants to decide on her marriage, her relationship and her life. She frightens Vanaraj and expels him from his life.

Anupama 25 October 2020 Written Episode Update Devika Vanraj clash

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