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Babadya’s stubbornness; Unnecessary harassment of 10 lakh students; Ashish Shelar targets Thackeray government

Mumbai: In view of the growing prevalence of corona, there was a constant demand for cancellation of exams. However, today, the Supreme Court has given an important verdict that the final year exams will be held without cancellation. As a result, BJP MLA Ashish Shelar has once again surrounded the Thackeray government.

As the Chancellor, he did not trust the Governor and the Vice-Chancellor and rejected the opinion of education experts. The UGC did not agree. Not discussed in the cabinet. The students held on tight until the end. The ego hurt the students for so many months. What has been achieved? This question was raised by Shelar. So, he has slammed the Thackeray government for causing unnecessary mental anguish to one million students in the state.

We were repeatedly told of the dangers of this decision but ego. Who listens The Supreme Court finally gave justice. Shelar has made a sarcastic remark that the ‘overthrow government’ in Maharashtra has shown itself in the face of its own ego. So student friends, don’t get exhausted. Let’s face the situation with courage. Success will surely come to you. Your future is bright, he said, wishing the students well.

Meanwhile, the Supreme Court has given its verdict on the degree examinations. The final session of the university will be the examination. States that feel they cannot take the exam should go to the University Grants Commission. But the Supreme Court upheld the decision of the University Grants Commission, ruling that states cannot promote graduate students without taking the final session exams.

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