Home India Bangalore-Mysore train commuters urge to increase pass, online ticket reservation

Bangalore-Mysore train commuters urge to increase pass, online ticket reservation

Bangalore: Special trains between Bangalore and Mysore have been launched for employees. Passenger pressure has been increased to increase the pass (season ticket, pass) or ticket reservation.

These special trains, which have been shifted to Chamundi Express times, are running at 60 per cent. But travelers have been demanding that the season or ticket limit be raised.

In the wake of Kovid-19, the government has been able to detect contact with infected people. In those days, the limit was limited to only 12 tickets per month. But now the government has stopped contact tracing. In this context, the season ticket is not allowed. Not raising the ticket booking limit. Railway activist, S Yogendra of Mysore Consumer Parishad, says that this is becoming a burden for commuters traveling daily or frequent between Bangalore and Mysore.

There are currently 12 trains moving between the two cities. Only reserved tickets are allowed on all these trains.

Thousands of people travel daily on these trains. S Yogendra has demanded that the ticket booking limit should be relaxed as only the ticket is allowed.

IR CTC accounts affiliated with Aadhaar can be booked with 12 tickets (only 6 tickets can be reserved for unaffiliated accounts. Passenger reservation system can be reserved for the rest of the day).

It costs Rs 80 to book a ticket and once a month passes the season pass, it costs Rs 525 on express trains and Rs 750 on super fast trains. Travelers are outraged that this will be a burden for most people when the pay is low.

Speaking to The New Indian Express on whether the passenger numbers have improved, PRO Priya Shetty of the Railways Division said special trains traveling at the same time instead of Chamundi trains will now be better off by 60 per cent compared to May. Sometimes it is said that 80%, 99% are filled.

The Railway Board is in talks with the Ministry to arrange additional special trains to meet the demands of passengers. Season pass, online booking of additional tickets is also considered, senior railway officials said.


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