Home Written Update Barister Babu 11th December 2020 Written Episode Update

Barister Babu 11th December 2020 Written Episode Update

Barister Babu 11th December 2020 Written Episode Update

You have taught me that unity is power, and now the episode begins with Bondita saying that everyone is away. He asks how we can study if we are afraid to study, we cannot get old Anirudh, he was lovingly explaining, I was remembering what you said.

She cries. Anirudh cries and says to Bondita, you need it. She says good bye. He throws another one. Rishta Tera Mera… .Place…. He says Bondita, thank you, you taught me when I was a teacher, I am a better teacher now.

Elaichi, Badal and Surayya steal jewelry from Bondita’s room. They are rushed. Anirudh says, “I have been feeling tense. You have seen the boys of Greenwood. They are good at everything. They laugh. Surayya thinks we should run away before anyone can run.

Anirudh and Bondita get sweets for the girls. Bondita says everyone got sweets. Ramaiah and Bholi are studying on the terrace, and I see Elaichi and Badal go to your room, ”says Koily. Trilochan gets angry and says how dare those girls go up when I refuse. Bondita sees her clothes fall out of the cupboard.

All the jewelery boxes are empty, Anirudh says who does this. Trilochan arrives and is shocked. He asks how any outsider can get into the house. Anirudh asks why any insider would do this.

Your Hira Mandi girls did it, they lived here for this purpose, they stole jewelery and ran away, says Trilochan. Anirudh No, maybe… Trilochan says enough, you wanted to teach them and make their future better, they ran away from you. He scolds Anirudh.

Bondita argues with him. Trilochan says your pair is great. Anirudh says I will look for those girls and talk to them. Why girls are so lonely here. The British fire some protesters. The girls hide. Trilochan asks not to go to Anirudh, the British have shot down the protesters, there is shooting in sight, I will not let you go.

Anirudh says but I have to go, three girls are out, whatever happens to them, I cannot forgive myself. Anirudh and Bondita go. Badal gets hurt. Elaichi and Suraiya take her to the clinic and get dressed by a doctor. Doctors say the bullet touched her hand, but we must heal her. Surayya and Elaichi try to get medicine. Anirudh and Bondita seek them out. Which is what.

Anirudh asked us to study, I wish we could study, I can read the name of medicine, it is my fault. Badal moor ts s. They are worried. Bondita gets Suraiya’s earrings. Anirudh sees the chemist’s shop. They go in and look at the girls. Are you all fine, Anirudh asks what happened to Badal. Surayya says Badal was shot. Anirudh applies antiseptic. He asks why you all left home.

Excuse me, Suraiya says, I don’t understand that you are fighting for our education rights, I swear I will never bother you. I’m sorry, I was scared of you all, Anirudh says I won’t do it again. Bondita says we go home, I’ve got sweets. Badal says I’m more hungry. Surayya says forgive me. Anirudh says the house is waiting for all of you, I will choose the thing, come.

Anirudh teaches him a new way. Anirudh smiles. They say that if you answer correctly, you get a Rasgulla prize. He answers and eats sweets. Bondita throws a black puppet doll. Elyichi says everything is wrong, I’m afraid, if Anirudh knows … she tells Saudamyi everything. Anirudh smiles as she sees the girls studying. Bondita picks up a white doll and shows it to Aniruddha. They smile. He thinks Bondita and the girls are ready for a mental exam.

Precape: Saudamani asks Elaichi to add the sleeping tablets to the sweets. Elaichi makes everyone eat rasgullas. The girls go to bed before the exam.

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