Home Written Update Barrister babu 1 December 2020 written update : Anirudh applauds Bondita

Barrister babu 1 December 2020 written update : Anirudh applauds Bondita

Barrister babu 1 December 2020 written update : Anirudh applauds Bondita Greenwood asks the dog to strangle the dog to prove that he accepted Anirudh’s slavery. Binoy throws off the list and says it never will, he is Anirudh Roy Chowdhury and when he is there nobody can make Anirudh a slave. Anirudh tells Binoy to stay calm. He tells Binoy not to worry that he will handle everything.

Mini Anirudh wants to tie the belt around his neck. While doing so she laughs after seeing the picture on the slate and says that it is Anirudh and the girls. She shows the picture to Greenwood and the two laugh at the other.Greenwood says Anirudh must accept slavery, otherwise he must endure the whip. He’s going to hit him but then Bondita and the other girls come in and stop Greenwood. Trilochan also comes with the villagers.

Anirudh says the challenge starts from today. They are all happy.Greenwood says why he celebrates winning. Then come the school teachers. Trilochan tells him what this teacher is doing to help him, he himself takes a rest from the British. Anirudh says that the principal is a good man, whose thinking is a little wrong, that the woman cannot read, but this idea soon changes.

Principals say but first they must meet the boy. Mini introduces his team to Anirudh and others. She calls the boys one by one.Anirudh feels that the boys of the mini team are very intelligent so he should work hard on the girls. Trilochan says how the girls win the competition. The principal asks to introduce the girls. Mini says he’ll introduce her. Introduces mini girls as losers. Bondita gets annoyed and introduces everyone and silences the mini.Anirudh applauds Bondita. They say that if these girls are educated, they will go further and no one can stop them.

Navroz says there are two parts to the competition. Physical and mental. He is lecturing but Greenwood interrupts him. They say that the girls lose in the first competition, then there is no need to give a long lecture. Navroz is great. He turns his words around and greets the girls and the boys. Then Trilochan asks Bondita to fight and win like Arjun. Bondita nodded.

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