Home Written Update Barrister Babu 2 December 2020 Update Spoilers Alert

Barrister Babu 2 December 2020 Update Spoilers Alert

Barrister Babu 2 December 2020 Update Spoilers Alert Anirudh takes responsibility for training children to be able to answer the challenge of upcoming spoilers. He says he must face the challenge and win.

Saudamini is disturbed by him. She tells him that he cannot win the challenge of unity, he cannot train incompetent girls, he can never learn in his life. That day Bondita saved him from being a slave, but she tells him how long he can save her.

She tells him that one day he will come to her feet and become her slave, even Bondita can’t save him. She says it was his luck. She jokes at his poor team. Bondita gets angry that she plans to make Anirudh his slave.

She threatens to become Kali Ma to answer Saudamy. Anirudh threatens. The girls are disturbed by the evil tricks of the Saudamani.

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