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Barrister Babu spoilers, upcoming story, latest gossip, future story, latest news and upcoming twist

Barrister Babu spoilers, upcoming story, latest gossip, future story, latest news and upcoming twist

Colors TV’s popular show Barrister Babu has always kept his audience seated and still maintains an engaging and progressive storyline. The story is set in the early days of independence, where child marriage was a very common tradition. The show deals with a little girl named Bondita, who breaks stereotypes with the help of her elder husband Anirudh. It has been foreseen that Banditta is fully persuaded to sacrifice the keys of the house to free himself from his curse. Trilochan, now angry at Bondita, breaks up with her shocking ally.

In previous episodes, Devolina is hurting Aniruddha and he is suffering because Bondita believes it to be his curse. She decides to leave the house and comes to the place where her mother is imprisoned. Bondita is going to meet her mother but time will stop her and take her with her. Sampoorna and Devolina then decide to get rid of Bondita. The brain washes Sampoor’s Bondita to sacrifice the house keys to free herself from the curse.

In the upcoming installment, it can be seen that Anirudh tries to make peace with Bondita. Soon Bondita’s periods are over and she is very happy. However, brainwashing her into believing that Sampurna is once again hers, her ailment is over and asks to sacrifice the keys of the house. Bondita then gives the key and responsibility to Sampurna in front of everyone. An angry Trilochan steals the keys and breaks his relationship with Bondita.

Does Bondita realize the true colors of Sampoor? Will Trilochan find Bondita’s fears and help him?

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