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Batman, Delhi’s Health Minister Satyender Jain urges Delhi to fight Kovid-19 through Superman

The corona virus epidemic continues at its full speed. The Delhi government has resorted to Super Heroes to fight Kovid-19. In fact, Delhi’s health minister Satyender Jain has uploaded pictures of himself wearing superhero masks on his Facebook profile. The caption of the photo is, “Heroes wear masks. Save your life by wearing your mask. #Behero”

The corona cases in Delhi are not taking a leisurely name. The number of infection cases and deaths is increasing every day. Due to this, the Delhi government has increased the fines from Rs 500 to Rs 2000 for not wearing masks in public places. In Delhi, 7,546 new cases of coronation and 98 deaths were reported on Thursday. There have been 8,041 deaths so far from corona in Delhi. Since the first case was discovered on March 2, 510,000 cases have been reported.

According to Satyendra Jain, wearing a mask to prevent corona virus is better than lock down. Most corona infections are spread by an infected person sneezing, coughing and speaking. Earlier this week, Satyendra Jain said, “Lockdown is a trial. We have learned that wearing a mask has the same benefits as any lockdown. Scientifically speaking, the most effective solution to preventing coronavirus is masks. If all people take precautions, they can prevent the virus from spreading. And if the thing is about lockdown, some people will still go out.

According to Dr. Sanjay Roy, president of the community ineffective department of AIMS, “The likelihood of an infection depends on how many infected people he has met and how likely he is to get out. Lockdown now reduces how often you meet infected people. It reduces the chance of infection when met. “


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