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Bharathi kannamma: Anjali met Bhagya and explained the incident to her

Bharathi kannamma: Anjali met Bhagya and explained the incident to her

This serial never fails to entertain its audience from the first day, this story about a black girl named Kannamma, who has been neglected by society and family for her looks. Bharathi, who had entered the light of his dark life, gave all the pleasure of going against his mother, who hated black skin. In the latest issue .Venba loves Bharati unilaterally and plans to separate Kannamma from her life

The story of this show revolves around the Bharati and Kannamma family. Wenba lied to Bharathi because her selfishness was suspicious during her pregnancy. She walked away when he scolded her for being disrespectful. Kannamma gave birth to twin daughters. Soundarya separates a child from her unconscious.

In an earlier episode, Bharati insulted Kannamma. Venu had warned Bharati that he would one day regret his misdeeds. Bharti threatened her parents. She requested Kannammana beauty. Tulsi promised to take care of Kannamma. Wenba hit Gomti. Wenba pushed Gomti out of the crash. Bharti threw harsh words at Soundarya. Venu shot at him.

In a recent issue, Anjali met Bhagya and explained the incident to her. Bhagya is making it clear that Kannammana cannot betray Bharati. Wenba is afraid to see the shadow. Durga threatened her and tried to tie her up. The cop detained Durga. Bharti apologizes for the soundness. Wenba tells Bharati to marry again.

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