Home Written Update Bharathi kannamma Upcoming Story: Lakshmi and Hema release the arrow together

Bharathi kannamma Upcoming Story: Lakshmi and Hema release the arrow together

Bharathi kannamma Upcoming Story: Lakshmi and Hema release the arrow together

Bharathi Kannamma is a famous Vijay TV show. Never failing to entertain her audience from the first day of the series, this story about a black girl named Kannamma has been ignored by society and family for her looks. Bharathi, who had entered the light of his dark life, gave all the pleasure of going against his mother, who hated black skin. In the latest installment .Venba loves Bharati and plans to separate Kannamma from her life.

The story of this show revolves around the Bharati and Kannamma family. Wenba lied to Bharathi because her selfishness was suspicious during her pregnancy. She walked away when he blamed her on character. Kannamma gave birth to twin daughters. Soundarya separates a child from her unconscious.

Kannamma sewed clothes for her life after 8 years in the previous issue. Bharti visited Kannamma village for medical camp. Lakshmi, who cared for her mother, met Bharti to cure him. Conflict between Hema and Lakshmi. Wenba met Kannamma and challenged him. Save Kannamma Hema.

In a recent issue, Lakshmi argues that she got a winning number with Bharti. Indulge Bharati Hema and Lakshmi and release the arrow together. Wenba thinking to kill Kannamma soon. Hema questions Bharati about her mother. Soundarya is worried when Bharati does not arrive on time. Sounding to comfort the worried Hema

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