Home Uncategorized ‘Black Panther’ hero Chadwick Boseman dies of cancer

‘Black Panther’ hero Chadwick Boseman dies of cancer

Hollywood actor Chadwick Boseman, who played the lead role in the movie Black Panther, has died of cancer, his family say.

He is 43 years old. Died at his home in the city of Los Angeles. His wife and family members were with him at the time.

Boseman was diagnosed with stage-3 colon cancer in 2016, according to his family. She has been battling the disease for four years and has given life to characters in several films.

Boseman has been praised for his roles in films based on the life stories of baseball legend Jackie Robinson and famous musician James Brown.

However, he will be seen in the role of King Tichalla in the blockbuster movie ‘Black Panther’ in 2018. Black Panther is the first superhero film to be nominated in the Best Picture category at the Oscars.

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