As the need for Aadhaar grows, so too are the Aadhaar fraud cases. Fraudsters are cheating people by making fake Aadhaar. In fact, in the recent past, many such cases have come to the fore where people are issuing fake Aadhaar cards and after verification, it is found that the Aadhaar number on this card is incorrect. With this in mind, UIDAI has issued many warnings to the people. Today, UIDAI said in a video how to check if any Aadhaar is true or fake. Let us tell you how you can avoid this fraud:
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Not all 12 digit numbers are Aadhaar numbers
The UIDAI has warned many times that all 12 digit numbers should not be considered Aadhaar. According to UIDAI, when taking Aadhaar as ID proof, its verification is required. If you are taking someone’s Aadhaar card, renting your house or doing any other work, you should first check whether the Aadhaar number issued by the person opposite you is correct or not.
How to check if Aadhaar is fake or not?
>> Go to the link provided in UIDAI Verify for this.
>> Now you have to enter the 12 digits entered on the Aadhaar card. Once the captcha is full, click on the Verify button.
>> Doing so will make sure that your Aadhaar number is correct or not. If correct, a 12-digit Aadhaar number display will be displayed on the screen.
Read on
How To Check Aadhaar Number Through MAadhaar App
>> Open the mAadhaar app and go to all the services.
>> In the All Services section, you will see the Verify Aadhaar option.
>> Click on Verify Aadhaar and then you have to enter Aadhaar number and captcha.
>> After entering Aadhaar number and captcha, press submit button.