Home India Comedy Couple: After ‘Spider’ and ‘Iqbal’, why Shweta Prasad Basu disappeared from...

Comedy Couple: After ‘Spider’ and ‘Iqbal’, why Shweta Prasad Basu disappeared from the industry for so many years


Priyanka Singh, J.N. The release of Shweta Prasad Basu’s films and web series continued during the Corona era. He recently appeared in the Netflix movie Serious Men. Now ‘Comedy Couple’ is his 5th project. It will be released on October 21st on the G5. Shweta is a stand up comedian. Prior to this, Shweta appeared in the web series ‘Sperm’ and ‘Hostages 2’ and ‘High’. Read excerpts of their conversation ..

Question: Does working in digital now seem more beneficial?

Answer: This platform is giving you the opportunity to work. Different stories and characters coming up. The formula of the images does not follow here that the characters must be limited to four songs: Hero, Heroine, Hero’s Friend and Heroine’s Sister. Stories of real human beings are being told. However, I don’t want to be a typecast.

Q: Talking about relationship theory in the trailer. What is this theory for you? How much room for lies in a relationship should there be?

Answer: I like honest and honest people. You should not only lie in love affairs but with colleagues, family or friends working in the office. It is easy to live with the truth, because the lie must be remembered and not the truth. Relationship theory is different for everyone.

Q: Standup comedy is mostly dominated by men. What is the reason behind this?

Answer: There is a perception that women cannot drive properly, cannot be the CEO of a company, and cannot make a standup joke. It is wrong to tie one’s talents to gender. There are many women standup comedians in India who love their work. Both actors are shown equally in this film.

Q: How hard was it to make comedy in a movie?

Answer: My brother and friends are happy that I am joking in this movie. They say your joke makes you laugh even if someone else wrote the script. I think it’s very hard to make the audience laugh. Crying means you have touched the hearts of viewers. We don’t write scripts ourselves. In this case, handling it is like cooking, it should have salt and pepper, but be balanced. This should be done at very low heat of measurement.

Question: You write more than a pen in your script…

Answer: I do my own thing in my script. I sit with pen, pencil, rubber as a student. She keeps writing no matter what the directors say. I make the first page of the script my scrap book. On the last day of filming, I ask all members of the film to write something on it, take their sign. I have had all the scripts since the movie time. There is no signature in the script from the movie ‘Spider’. Shabana Ji will go ahead and sign Vishal Ji.

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