Home Breaking News Congress activists donate alcohol to farmers’ movement, see viral video of female...

Congress activists donate alcohol to farmers’ movement, see viral video of female heroine Vidya Rani

Congress leader Vidya Rani became viral about the farmers’ movement, in which she appealed to workers to donate alcohol to the movement. Speaking to Haryana Congress leader Vidya Rani, all our workers should come forward and do whatever they can to donate. What you can do with vegetables, money and alcohol, you have to do it. Twitter users are tightening their heads about this video. One user said, ‘Farmers are agitating or partying, is there a need for alcohol?’

In the video of Vidya Rani, ‘When we are losers at this time, our existence is over. The movement we received was completed on January 26th. But if the peasant’s hopes are strong, it will rise again. We need to run this movement now. Our workers must help the farmers in every way. By donating money, vegetables or alcohol. We must strengthen the peasant movement in every way.


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