Home India covid 19 vaccine: 25 million people in the country plan to get...

covid 19 vaccine: 25 million people in the country plan to get the coronavirus vaccine! 40 crore dose production! – Center plans to utilize 40-50 crore covid-19 vaccine doses on 20-25 crore people by july 2021

New Delhi: The government is preparing to distribute the vaccine across the country while coronary vaccine research is accelerating. The government is aiming to produce 40 to 50 crore doses of coronavirus vaccine by July next year and deliver it to 25 crore people.

The first vaccine will be given to health care workers who are at the forefront of the fight against corona. It will then be served to states on priority. Dr. Narayana, a member of the Health Commission of the Policy Commission, is responsible for the timely delivery of the vaccine, keeping track of all these processes. Cellphone Showroom Paul has been entrusted.

Union Health Minister Harshavardhan said on Sunday that the state government would also submit a model of demand list for the severity of the infection and the need for vaccines. Doctors, nurses, paramedics, cleaning staff, aspirants, government officials and volunteers in government and private hospitals, all officers and volunteers who are part of the test-tracing-treatment system will be vaccinated first.

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Will be made available to the public soon. Minister Harshvardhan made it clear that our basic hope is that every resident of the country should get the vaccine free of coronavirus.


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