Home Uncategorized Don’t forget these 5 tasks during periods, health is a big loss

Don’t forget these 5 tasks during periods, health is a big loss

Common Mistakes in Periods: There are many hormonal changes in the body of women during periods. In such a situation, it is necessary to take care of many things related to their diet and habits. Most women feel restless and vulnerable during this period. In such a situation, their health may hide these 5 mistakes made at this time. Let’s find out what those mistakes are.

Here are 5 things to avoid during periods:

Lack of nutritious food
Girls often start dieting in a state of weight loss. But if you don’t take food properly during periods, it can put a huge burden on your health. To stay healthy during periods, always remember to include nutritious foods in your diet.

A pad for a long time
Often women use the same pad for a long time with less bleeding. This can be a major cause of infection. Do not be lazy in changing pads. You are changing your pad at the specified interval. By doing this you will avoid infection.

Craving for junk food
Many women experience irritation during periods of craving to eat sweet or junk food. But avoid doing this and refrain from eating unhealthy foods.

A heavy exercise routine
If you follow a heavy exercise routine in your routine, avoid doing so during periods. Doing so can cause back pain or stiffness. Furthermore, one should not wear very tight clothing, which can be irritating otherwise.

Hard soap use
Don’t make the mistake of cleaning your genitals with hard soap during periods. Doing this will increase dryness in the skin, making you uncomfortable with itching or infection. Use wet tissue paper containing alcohol to soothe your genitals.


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