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First day of vaccination, central government advice – rest for half an hour after vaccination

The vaccination campaign is launching in India from today and the country’s health workers will be vaccinated first. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Health has asked beneficiaries to rest for at least half an hour after being vaccinated. Vaccination sites have three sites for waiting, vaccination and viewing. After vaccination, the beneficiary is advised not to leave the site suddenly but to stop at the vaccination site for monitoring.

It is mandatory to follow all corona rules, such as wearing masks at the injection site and maintaining social distance. Although India has been conducting a vaccination campaign in the country for several years, this vaccination campaign against the corona virus is the largest in the world, so special precautions are needed.

The central government has already cleared the physical, age and medical conditions required for vaccination. Interpreters and officials have been trained on how to respond in the event of an adverse event after vaccination. Serum Institute of India locally manufactures CovShield, the Oxford Estrogena vaccine, which causes tenderness and pain in the body, causing headaches, fatigue, cold and arthralgia. Problems such as nausea can also be seen.

Paracetamol can be used when such problems are encountered. Injection site pain, headache, fatigue, fever, body aches, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, dizziness-dizziness, shivering, sweating, cold, coughing and ejection on the jug of injection.


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