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Going on, Donald Trump said – ‘This is just the beginning, the movement will continue’

Donald Trump said in his farewell speech that his administration did what it came to power. The movement we started will continue, this is just the beginning. The White House released a 20-minute pre-recorded speech video on YouTube on Tuesday. In fact, all social media platforms have banned Trump after the Capital Violence.

The message of the continuation of Donald Trump’s campaign is increasingly being debated. Many experts agree that the president wants to send his opponents a message that they will continue to pursue their political goals even if they are currently leaving Washington. Its purpose is to regain power. Trump described his tenure as extraordinary during his speech, saying his work in the fields of the economy, foreign policy, defense, healthcare and vaccine-making is beyond people’s thinking. Having said that, I have fought some of the hardest and most difficult battles at the same time, making many tough decisions. Because you chose me like that. Before leaving office, US President Donald Trump said in his farewell speech that we have done what we have to do … more so. ‘

Biden’s name not taken:

Trump never even named Joe Biden in his speech. But now we are going to get a new government. We long for their safety and we want them to keep America safe and prosperous.

No new war has begun:

Donald Trump is the first president in the history of the United States, during his tenure there is no new war in the world, in which America is playing a role. Instead, they have ordered the withdrawal of their troops from many countries.

Low President:

Trump has left his office with a 34 percent approval rating, which is the lowest approval rating so far in US history. Since 1930, the Presidential Employment Approval Rating is based on a survey of citizens in the US, which shows how satisfied the public is with the work of a person serving as president.


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