If you are planning to buy a good smartwatch at a lower price then this news is for you. In fact, the Fire-Bolt Ninja Budget Smart Watch with Touchscreen Display was launched in India on Wednesday, August 4. This budget smartwatch comes with blood oxygen saturation (SpO2), 24×7 heart rate and blood pressure monitoring. The smartwatch features a 1.3-inch HD (240×240 pixels) touchscreen IPS display. Fire-Bolt Ninja comes with a lithium-ion battery that lasts about five days at full charge. The smartwatch is IPX8 certified for water resistance and comes with several features. In addition, Bluetooth v5.0 is used for connectivity.
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Where else can I buy Fire-Bolt Ninja in India?
Fire-Bolt Ninja Launch Price Rs 1,799 Interested customers can purchase this smartwatch from e-commerce site Flipkart. The Fire-Bolt Smart Watch is offered in three color options – Beige, Black and Gray. Let us tell you that the e-commerce site has not yet begun selling this smartwatch, when you reach the search page, it is written ‘Coming Soon’.
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Fire-Bolt Ninja Specials and Features
Fire-Bolt Ninja Smart Watch features a 1.3-inch HD touchscreen IPS display with 2.5D curved glass on a full metal body. The smartwatch has a lithium-ion battery that is fully charged in 120 minutes and offers about five days of battery life. It has the function of waking up by touch. The smartwatch comes with IPX8 certification for water resistance. It has seven sports modes, including badminton, basketball, cycling, football, running, skipping and walking. Onboard sensors include accelerometer, barometer, gyroscope and light sensor. Fire-Bolt Ninja can be connected to an Android or iOS smartphone using a Bluetooth v5.0 connection. The smartwatch also offers call, text and social media notifications. The smartwatch also includes remote camera controls and features over 200 cloud-based watch faces.