Hamariwali Good News 10th February 2021 Written Episode Update
The episode begins with Renuka saying that we should take Mukund to the ashram. Think again, we should be more careful, says Vrinda. Renuka says I think in some way. He tells you the plan. They say we must do anything and reveal their truth. Sumitra calls from the ashram and scolds the woman. The woman says the two women came to the ashram. She shows Sukanya to Sumitra in a video call. I called to say this, the women said they were news reporters, I called the news channel and found out they didn’t send anyone. Sumitra scolds her for recklessness. Increasing security there, shocking Sukanya, shutting her down, she says she should not die, understand. The woman says yes.
Adi gets angry and tells everyone to applaud Navavi. He gets angry and pushes Navya. You admit that I am worthless, I need your help to get you, you lied to me and you took a loan from your boss for my sake. He says Gautam is right, that when wives earn they stop respecting husbands. Navya says I did it for your pleasure. Adi thanks so much, don’t touch me, says everything is over. He walks away. Navya cries. Sumitra checks Navya’s room. Renuka arrives. Sumitra hides. Renuka says why do I feel that Adi and Navya have come. She’s gone. Sumitra gets a fake ID card. She goes to her room. Renuka came to know about Sukanya and said, “If this mystery reaches Mukund, no, I cannot let it go. I must plan something so that the whole family will be spoiled.” In the morning, Indu runs to call everyone.
Mukund and everyone go and save Sumitra from suicide attempt. He takes her away. She could not look good to me, she says I was too bad. He comforts her. She excuses me. She falls at his feet. They say I’m very sorry, its my father’s actions. He asks her what she is saying and what happened. I feel bad that I’m going to break up your marriage with Renuka, forgive me. Mukund asks not to worry. She tells me that I must repent of my wrongdoing. She unites him with Renuka. I made a mistake to separate the two of you, I will unite you, forgive me, Renuka your wife, she is carrying your child, you are doing your husband’s duty, I want you to do the wife’s duty, this is my repentance. Mukund says don’t apologize. Sumitra asks Renuka to fill Mang again. Everyone will see.