Home Breaking News Honda Legend: World’s most advanced self-driving car, Tesla offers competition with great...

Honda Legend: World’s most advanced self-driving car, Tesla offers competition with great features

Japanese automaker Honda has launched the world’s most advanced self-driving car Honda Legend in the domestic market. This car uses a Level 3 autonomous driving technology. This technology makes this car more sophisticated, so it is also adept at changing lanes and passing other vehicles without drivers on the road.

In fact, self-driving cars are measured in vehicle autonomy from zero to 5 points. Level 5 cars that look to the future do not have a steering wheel or require any control of the driver. The car has been offered Level 3 autonomous driving technology, which makes this car the most advanced in its segment.

At the initial stage, the company sells only 100 of its components, which are then increased based on customer feedback. In fact, the company is exploring the possibility of success in the market for such vehicles, as people do not have much faith in driverless cars.

This car looks like: Drivers of the Honda Legend have to be alert at all times, with the company also providing emergency parking. In the case of an emergency, if the driver does not respond to handover variants, this functionality is activated automatically. Given its main camera, it keeps an eye on road congestion conditions.

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When the car has to hand its control over to the driver, it warns by the vibration on the driving seat belt. If drivers ignore the warning issued by the car, in this case the system stops the car and alerts the surrounding cars with hazard lights and sharp horns. This is done with safety in mind while driving.

Wibresen warns: The car is being said that the autonomous technology offered in it is better than the American car brand Tesla. According to the company, during the development of the system provided in the car, about 10 million conditions of real-world models have been formulated and the car tested over 1.3 million kilometers on the expressway. The price of the new Honda Legend is around 11 million yen (Japanese currency) which is about 74 lakh rupees for the Indian currency.


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