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If you have trouble with hair dandruff, these 6 housewares can help you

Hair loss in winter, Falling or dandruff is a very common problem. Most of us have encountered this problem at some time or another in our lives. Much of this is due to our lifestyle and diet. However, there are several reasons behind dandruff.

Dandruff occurs more quickly in the winter when the scalp is dry. It’s for our hair Can be very harmful. It causes problems such as hair loss and breakage. This causes the hair to turn white quickly. Also, dandruff can also cause baldness. It is important to know about it in such a situation. We give you complete information about this. It also shares some tips for getting rid of the problem.

What is dandruff

Not taking care of your head and hair properly, Also, due to lack of vitamins and minerals in the body, the cells in our head start to become inactive. These dead cells appear slowly in the form of dandruff or dandruff on the head.

Causes of dandruff in the hair

There are many reasons for hair dandruff. Leading to itching, Hair breakage, There may be problems such as loss and baldness. It is very harmful to our hair.

Dry or scalp skin on the head, Dryness or itching of hair can also cause dandruff.

The oil does not dry out for several days by applying oil, It can cause dandruff. Except this one

Non-nutritious food

Lack of protein and vitamins in the body

Using products that are highly chemical

Do not use shampoo to wash your head

Dirt accumulated on the scalp can also cause dandruff.

Psychological stress is also a major cause of dandruff.

If you are going through a skin disease, So you may have a dandruff problem because of this.

Hair loss

How can you solve this problem

1 Use of Aloevera gel

Aloevera is a succulent plant, It is known for its healing properties. Its leaf gel contains many bioactive compounds (Bioactive compounds) Includes, Amino acids and antioxidants, It reduces dandruff. 2015 Research suggests that antifungals and antibacterial properties in Aloevera protect against dandruff.

Dryness begins in the skin in the winter, so follow these 4 easy homemade treats

2 Lemongrass oil

Lemongrass oil has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, It helps reduce dandruff symptoms. 2015 According to the findings of a small study published in, Two weeks later in Hair Tonic 10 Percent lemongrass oil reduces dandruff 81 The percentage is low.

3 Tea tree oil

Terpenine in Tea Tree Oil4-OlTerpinene-4-ol) A compound called, Includes powerful antimicrobial properties (Antimicrobial properties) Will occur. Terpinen-4-OlTerpenene-4-ol) Tea tree oil helps suppress fungal bacterial growth and reduces dandruff on scalp.

2017 Examined the antimicrobial effects of various essential oils (Antimicrobial effects) An investigation has been conducted. The compounds present in the tea tree oils. The authors suggest that it is used effectively in epidermidis (Staphylococcus epidermidis) Can control bacteria.

4 Apply yogurt to your hair

Yogurt is very beneficial for relieving hair dandruff. Dabbing yogurt into the hair and scalp will reduce the problem of dandruff. You can take a bowl of moss and apply it on your hair roots and scalp and massage it well. 1 From 2 Leave it on your hair for hours and then rinse your hair thoroughly using shampoo. It helps to reduce hair dandruff.

5 Use a good shampoo

You can find many kinds of shampoos on the market. So to remove dandruff, you should take anti-dandruff from a good company (Headache Shampoo can be used. During the week 1 From 2 Wash your hair with a bar shampoo. Do not use more than this. Because overuse it can be detrimental to your hair.

Visit the turmeric or musk floor of the forest, which can bring incredible skin to your skin

6 Wash hair with baking soda

Baking soda is very helpful in removing dandruff from the hair. Take a little baking soda and place it on your scalp, Apply it to the hair roots as well. Gently rub it on your scalp. Leave it on for a while and then rinse the hair thoroughly with mild lukewarm water. This will remove the dandruff problem from your hair.

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