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If you save the rice in the lunchroom, make a crisp crisp jalabi quickly, which is very easy to recipe

Jalabi recipe with leftover rice: The rest of the rice at lunch or dinner is either reheated or eaten or thrown out. But after knowing this recipe today, you can never go out and throw away the rest of the rice. Yes, people who like sweet food love this recipe so much. The name of this recipe is leftover rice jalebi. Jalabi is easy to make as it is also delicious to eat. So, what’s the delay, tell us how this delicious dessert jalebi is made from leftover rice.

Ingredients for making jalabi –
-1 cup remaining rice
-5 tbsp all-purpose flour
-And spoon yogurt
Half a cup of sugar
-1/4 cup water
-1/4 tsp baking powder
– Little food coloring
Piping bags to make the shape of the jalabi

Method of making jalebi
To make the jalebi, first add rice and two tablespoons of water and grind it in a blender. Its consistency must be like that of an idly batter. Now mix the baking powder and maida to avoid lumps. Now add the yogurt and the natural orange food coloring. Add flour or yogurt and add the perfect consistency of the battery. Now make the wire syrup in the skillet and let cool. Now fill the batter with a hole in a piping bag or cloth and roast the jalebi in hot oil. Fry the jalebis well on both sides. Now dip it in sugar syrup for 1 minute. Your tasty jalabi is ready. You can serve it hot.

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