Home Written Update Imlie 9th December 2020 Written Update: Purnima preparing all the wedding decorations

Imlie 9th December 2020 Written Update: Purnima preparing all the wedding decorations

Imlie 9th December 2020 Written Update: Purnima preparing all the wedding decorations and Aditya asks her mother to do some work for him but he has to go and meet Malini’s grandmother and meanwhile they arrange everything. Imli went to board the school bus and when she came back she bought a mix of Shiva worship from a tobacco store and asked to attach the price calculations on a monthly bill.

She makes all the preparations for Shiva Puja in return and Adityana’s housemates also give her admiration and support for obvious reasons and if they are busy making preparations for the Shiva Purnima Puja Malini will come.

She asks Aditya about her while Mrs. Chaturvedi is constantly sitting there and watching what she is talking about. Aditya tells Grandma that she has heard a lot from Amlini about her and she has heard about him from the same source. As usual, Malini’s mother scolds Aditya and asks where did you do your schooling. She begins to list all the names of private schools. He says he never went to private schools but all his studies were done only by government schools. Mrs. Chaturvedi says that perhaps you can never become a doctor or an IPS officer.

He ignores her and tells Grandma that I always wanted to be a journalist from my childhood days and then I would have another dream in my life and soon both of my dreams would be fulfilled. Malini’s mother asks him but dreams can’t satisfy a hungry stomach so tell me your salary is enough for my daughter’s every expense? What is the percentage of promotion in your company? Aditya has had family members discuss such financial matters, so you can ask my parents about this and come back to host your guests and then I can show you how they are preparing to welcome you and your guests.

You can understand how to behave when a guest comes home.In Tripathi, Niwas have all drank and drank mixed drinks and they are enjoying the feast with everyone. They are all dancing and singing together with Imli and a few other guests of the house. While she is celebrating the occasion, Aditya arrives with Malini and her family members and Dev Imlee screams “thief” and everyone starts hiding behind Malini’s mother alone and she throws a bowl on the floor with disgust and is always annoyed with family members. Aditya, on the other hand, is shocked to see the plight of his family members, meeting Nani in Satyakam village and God is not with you but you will be with him soon so be prepared for it.

She is terrified but methi saves Imli’s pledge to Satyakam and saves her. Aditya calls Imli in front of her and tells her to pack her bags because she is going out to Pagdandia right now. Satyakam has promised to bring her to Delhi to meet Imli.

Prekap – Aditya says she has forgotten her status in this house due to her love for you and where she is now.

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