Home Written Update Imlie: Imlee goes to Aditya and Malini’s engagement party

Imlie: Imlee goes to Aditya and Malini’s engagement party

Imlie: Imlee goes to Aditya and Malini’s engagement party. It seems that one problem is not enough in the life of memory, she makes another entry before she can handle it.

But this time the problem seems to be bigger for Imlee and Aditya. On the other side, Meathi is dying to meet her daughter Imali and Satyakam has already arranged for her to know about Aditya’s address in Delhi.

Aditya is planning to send Imli to her village of Pagdandia Post when her engagement engagement is lost from Mira Bagh in the upcoming installment. With so many things happening together on the show now, it will be interesting to see how Imli and Aditya are able to hide their relationship status from everyone.

In last night’s episode, Adiitya bought the family members of Malini’s family to show arrangements before their engagement party.

But the whole situation turns into a disaster and Aditya is embarrassed and embarrassed in front of his aunt. He gets angry at Imli and asks him to go from his house to Pagdandia.

In the upcoming installment of the show, Imlee goes to Aditya and Malini’s engagement party but she is separated from the family as she goes to hunt her father.

They get caught up with the human trafficking chain while everyone else is engaged in an engagement ritual.

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