India’s star batsmen Prithvi Shah and Suryakumar Yadav have reached England. Prithvi gave this information through her Instagram post. In this, Prithvi and Suryakumar are seen at London’s Heathrow Airport. Both cricketers were part of the team in the recently concluded limited-overs series against Sri Lanka. On this tour, India won the 2-1 ODI series under the captaincy of Shikhar Dhawan, but lost the T20 series by 1-2. Prithvi and Suryakumar have been selected as substitutes for Shubhaman Gill and Washington Sundar for the England tour.
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Suryakumar and Prithvi were separate from the first match of the T20 International series against Sri Lanka. Prior to the second match of the series, Team India all-rounder Karnal Pandya was found to be positive in the Kovid-19 test, which was followed by close contact with Suryakumar and Prithvi Shah. After completing the compulsory separation, the two moved to England. The first match of the five-match Test series between India and England will be played in Nottingham from 4 August (Wednesday).
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Suryakumar Yadav and Prithvi Shah are part of the Test team, but it is difficult for both to be available for the first Test selection. According to media reports, both cricketers may be available for selection after the first Test. Both were due to leave on July 31, but due to visa records, they had to stay in Sri Lanka for two more days. Suryakumar has yet to make his Test debut, while Prithvi Shah has played 5 Tests for India.
Full schedule of England vs India Test series
1st Test, August 4-8, Nottingham, 3:30 PM (IST)
2nd Test, August 12-16, London, 3:30 pm (Indian Time)
3rd Test, August 25-29, Leeds, 3:30 PM (Indian Time)
4th Test, 2-6 September, London, 3:30 pm (Indian Time)
Fifth Test, 10-14 September, Manchester, 3:30 pm (Indian time)