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India is playing with Fire China on Indian Media Coverage on Taiwan – Indian media coverage on Taiwan mirrors China

The coverage of Indian media on Taiwan’s National Day has shocked China. The Chinese government mouthpiece Global Times has written an article saying that India is playing with fire. Apart from this, Global Times has mentioned many issues including the India-China border dispute, India-US friendship in the article. In fact, China was peppered with the editorial “A reminder for China: India is free” published in our affiliate newspaper Hindustan Times on the Taiwan issue. The Global Times wrote that the editorial attempted to justify some Indian media outlets celebrating Taiwan’s National Day. Apart from this, India is proud of its democracy. There is free and lively media here.

An article written in the Global Times by China’s analyst Li Qingqing said that China would not allow other countries to speak wrongly about their sovereignty and had nothing to do with democracy or freedom. India has recognized the One-China Policy, and is the foundation of Sino-India diplomatic relations. Some Indian media outlets have canceled the One-China policy celebrating Taiwan’s National Day and also refused to rectify their misplaced position when the Chinese Embassy reported the issue.

The article further stated that in the backdrop of China-India border tensions, some Indian media are raising the issue of Taiwan quite a lot. In September, Indian media outlets published news that claimed Taiwan killed a SU-35 fighter jet of the People’s Liberation Army, which was later denied. “The Indian media is embracing Taiwan’s separatist forces,” Global Times said in the article. They are unilaterally poisoning Sino-India relations. ”

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India-America friendship

The friendship between India and America has been stinging China, on which the neighboring country has been provoking its anger. In this article too, China has mentioned India and America. The Chinese analyst said in the article that some Indian media outlets need to be reminded that they will not be able to shake the One-China policy. India considers itself ‘Proud Democracy’ and views China from the eyes of Western countries. As the competition between China and America progressed, Washington also started playing Taiwan cards. Some people in India have also started following Washington’s footsteps and are trying to take advantage.

US support not believable

China has said in its article that New Delhi believes that it has gained the support of other Western countries including the US. Because of this, he is acting provocative towards China. However, US support is not convincing, while China’s counterattack is firm. India is playing with fire, and it will eventually disappoint on both sides.


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