Home India Indian Idol 12: Pawandeep Rajan will get the biggest surprise in the...

Indian Idol 12: Pawandeep Rajan will get the biggest surprise in the show, he will be on stage as soon as he opens his eyes.

The 12th season of Indian Idol (Indian Idol 12) people are very much liked. If any contestants have made the whole country crazy in the show, then it is Pawandeep Rajan of Uttarakhand. The episode will be dedicated to the beloved mother on this weekend. The show’s strong contestants will sing songs dedicated to their mothers. In this episode, famous singer Jubin Nautiyal will come as a guest. Seeing Pawandeep’s performance in this episode, Zubin will give him a special gift.

A surprise that tears Pawandeep in his eyes. In the episode Pawandeep will sing the song ‘Zindagi Kuch To Bata’ and Zubin will be shocked to hear this song. Zubin says, ‘You have made us proud. The hard work you are doing is really amazing. You have made everyone in Uttarakhand feel proud. You have made our mountain cap very famous. The whole country has become obsessed with this cap. Actually Jubin also comes from Uttarakhand.

Pawandeep Rajan’s mother

As Pawandeep finishes singing, Zubin tells him to close his eyes. That’s when Pawandeep’s mother comes back from the stage and hugs him. Pawandeep becomes emotional by seeing his mother on stage for the first time. Pawandeep says, ‘I am lucky that I found a mother who always put forward my talent. I have become so successful today because of his principles and advice. Pawandeep’s mother has supported Pawandeep a lot.

You know, Pawandeep is the most amazing and talented singer on the show. He is not only a good singer but also a good performer. Pawandeep specializes in playing every instrument. Be it a dholak, a tabla or a piano, Pawandeep’s hands work well on every instrument.

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