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International Yoga Day 2021: Kovid weakens the body by strengthening it with yoga, making it easier every day for lung and heart health

Corona infection affects a person physically and mentally. Even after recovering from Kovid, people still have many problems with the heart, lungs and digestive system. During International Yoga Day, three yoga experts tell you how to accelerate your post Kovid recovery with the help of yoga.

What to do with the lungs
Apart from asanas, pranayama is also very important to make the lungs look similar. Vasishtha Pranayama is very effective especially for the sick, because it can be put to bed. Bhramari and Ujjai Pranayama are also very effective.

In fact, the oxygen source in our bodies is the lungs with multiple chambers, but only when the lungs or any other organ remains mobile. Pranayama and yoga exercises strengthen the body by activating organs, for example – Pranayama expands our diaphragm, which is why we deliver more oxygen to the lungs. It also opens up less active chambers of the lungs.

Special asanas for strengthening the lungs include Mukhasana, Bhujangasana, Dhanurasana, Vimanasana, Sethupandasana, Chakrasana and Ustrasana. But these yogasanas should not be done by those with a back problem. Yoga should be practiced under the supervision of a trained yoga guru.

Yogacharya Dheeraj, Vasishtha Yoga Foundation, Ahmedabad

Give strength to the heart
One of the purposes of yoga is to keep the muscles in the body moving and making them soft and strong, but this is not the only goal of yoga. Speaking of heart, headstand practice is very effective in keeping it strong and healthy. By doing this, the heart needs to do a lot of work, during which the heart and arteries do it to its full potential. Surya Namaskar, downward dog pose and Vajrasana are also effective in keeping the heart healthy.

This seat should not be made for people with any type of heart disease or those suffering from high blood pressure. The whole body, including the heart, is powered by pranayama, which makes the organs function better.
Yogacharya Atul Kumar Verma, Yogatraya

Functions of the digestive system
During corona infection, many people do not starve despite recovery from other causes, including stagnation of physical activity and stress. In such a situation, yoga exercises that strengthen the digestive system are effective.

Paduk Asana, Peacock Asana, Chakrasana, Navasana and Vajrasana. These seats work to intensify the gastric fire of the stomach, which opens the appetite. But people who suffer from an ulcer, colitis, hernia or other diseases should not make this seat. Even pregnant women should not practice it. In addition, there is also the law of Shatkarma for swatch cleaning of the abdomen, which includes the nauli, dhouti (kunjal) and kapalbhati, so that the digestive system remains fine.

Dr. Ashok Yadav, a yoga expert in the psychiatry department of RML Hospital

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