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Japan: 65-year-old Shinzo resigned as PM, Abe is battling intestinal disease

Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has resigned from his post on Friday due to health issues. Abe, 65 years old, has been battling stomach disease for a long time. He has visited the hospital twice this month on 17 and 24 August. Since then, there was a discussion in the Japanese media about his health.

According to local media, Abe does not want his health to have any effect on the functioning of the government. In such a situation, he announced his resignation after holding a press conference on Friday. In the month of August itself, Abe has completed seven years and six months as Prime Minister.
Abe was in power in the country for 2803 days. Earlier this record was in the name of his uncle and former Prime Minister of the country, Isaku Saito. Shinzo is a member of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) party. Since the ongoing Corona epidemic in the country, there was a demand that Abe should tell the citizens about the work done to deal with it.

Despite this, Abe did not appear in any program for the last 50 days. On June 18, it was reported that he would talk to the media at his home but this could not happen. On 24 August, Cabinet Secretary Yoshihida Suga dismissed ongoing discussions about Shinzo’s health. He had said that Abe is perfectly fine and is coming to the hospital for regular check-ups.

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Abe is struggling with intestinal disease
Shinzo Abe has been battling bowel disease ulcerative colitis for a long time. In this disease there are problems like swelling in the intestine. Due to this illness, Abe had to resign a year after becoming the Prime Minister for the first time in 2007. Now they keep their disease under control through regular treatment.

Abe’s popularity is decreasing according to the survey
According to a survey by Kyodo News Agency of Japan, Shinzo Abe’s popularity has decreased in the country as compared to earlier. The survey revealed on Sunday said that 58.4 percent people in the country are unhappy with the way the government dealt with the Corona epidemic.

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