Home Breaking News Karnataka: The dead body was lying on the table for post-mortem examination,...

Karnataka: The dead body was lying on the table for post-mortem examination, hands started trembling – after standing hair …

A taluk health official in Bagalkot, North Karnataka, got into a can and stood up for the corpse that was lying in front of him for post-mortem examination. Later, when the doctor touched the dead body, he was also seen moving in his arms. The case came to light on Monday at Mahalingapura Government Hospital in Bagalkot.

Shankar Gombi, 27, was the victim of a road accident in Mahalingapuram on February 27. He was admitted to a private hospital in Belgaum district and after two days of observation, the private hospital declared him brain dead and asked the family to take him to his body.

The body was sent to the Government Hospital in Mahalingapur on Monday for post-mortem examination. The post-mortem was handed over to Taluk Health Officer Dr. S. Galgali.

Dr. Galgali told the Hindustan Times, ‘I have seen many banners and cut-outs announcing the death of this person upon arrival at the hospital. I knew this man’s face but didn’t expect him to be alive. ‘

On arrival at the hospital, the doctor noticed that the man was still on a ventilator. When doctors asked the family about the cause, the private hospital doctor said that the person would stop breathing when the ventilator was removed.

The doctor was told, ‘After the ventilator was removed, the family was informed that the person would be pronounced dead dead. Therefore, they had also started preparations for the final event. His friends had reported the death of that person on social media and when I reached the hospital there were at least 1000 people.

He further stated, ‘I started atopsy and touched it and saw the person’s hair standing up, which meant his body was moving. Then I checked with a pulse-oximeter and saw a heartbeat. I removed it from the ventilator and waited for a while. I was surprised to see him shaking his hand. I called her family and she was admitted to another private hospital.

As of Tuesday morning, doctor Galgali was aware that there were improvements in the doll and that his body parts were also functioning properly. Doctors say he has done more than 400 post-mortems in his 18-year career, but such a case has never been revealed.


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