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Kitchen Hacks: Cooker Rubber Loose, follow these tips and tricks to make it tighter

Tips for Repairing a Pressure Cooker’s Loose Rubber: Indian women prefer to use a pressure cooker instead of an oven to cook quickly in their kitchen. The food in the pressure cooker is quick and delicious. But because the cooker is in the aquarium, the rubber (gasket) in it quickly loosens. What pressure does not increase in the cooker and the cooking problem. If you too have faced this kind of problem in your kitchen, try these wonderful tips and tricks.

Follow these tips to tighten the cooker’s loose rubber –
Rinse with cold water

If the cooker’s rubber is loose, remove it from the lid and immediately rinse with cold water. Doing this will make the rubber a little firmer and the pressure in the cooker will easily build up.

Stay in the fridge for a while
Sometimes the cooker’s rubber becomes so loose that it starts to come off the lid. In such a situation, instead of throwing it away, put it in your refrigerator for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, apply it again to the cooker lid. Your old loose rubber is once again as tight as new rubber.

Using flour-
Take a ball of dough and place it around the cooker’s lid and seal the lid. When doing this, keep in mind that you need to hold the cooker lid on until the pressure is high. However, this solution is only temporary.

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