Home Written Update Kundali Bhagya 10th February 2021 Written Update What happens next?

Kundali Bhagya 10th February 2021 Written Update What happens next?

Kundali Bhagya 10th February 2021 Written Update What happens next? Smashing Twist Preeta tries to expose Akshay, which denies the allegations and breaks the marriage. Kareena doesn’t even look at the pictures and throws it into the fire. She shows her faith in Akshay. Preeta fails to prove Akshay is wrong because of Kareena. Kritika and Kareena beg him not to leave. Akshay tells love that she is the reason for Krishna’s marriage. He tells them that the world is to blame for the lack of something that has broken Krithika’s marriage. Karan loses his cool in his mean comments. Once Krithika breaks into Akshay’s wedding. Preeta stops Akshay from condemning him.

She tells him that she should be ashamed that she left the pavilion by herself. He tells her that Kritika is broken, that the family will never forget Preeta’s act and punish her every day. He tells her that she did not beat him, but that she has lost her. He says that Kareena hates him more, Kritika does not believe in her and Karan reprimands her all the time. He congratulates her for missing her.

Preeta tells Kritika that she does not think of her failure in front of her future. She wanted to protect Kritika from the deceiver. She tells him that she has saved Krishna’s life from ruin, that she is not afraid of anything, that he is lost and that it is his despair that speaks to him. She returns to the family. Kareena is angry with Preeta for ruining her daughter’s life. She tells Preetha that she too should leave the house. Preeta wants Kareena to listen to her once. Kareena asks Kritika to look at Preetha’s mean deed. She reprimands Preeta for ruining their happiness. Preitya says Akshay is a cheap guy.

Kritika tells her that she will decide on him. She asks Preetha why she did not wait for her decision and decided everything herself. Karan thinks Preeta has made a mistake this time. Bani also blames Preeta, asking her to trust her once. Sarla says no one believes her, Akshay is not the right person for Krithika but the family does not think so.

She asks love to remain silent if the family does not understand and ruin Krishna’s life. Kareena asks her to stop the drama. Sarla tells her that Preeta wanted to show them the truth. She asks Preksha to trust Akshay instead. She says Preeta is also a member of the Lutra family. Sherlyn asks Sarla to stop it. Kareena says that Sherlyn is also a householder.

Karan prevents Sarla and Kareena from taking their fight to a flamboyant level. He asks them to know if guests are watching the play. Sarla says no one believes in love even though they are telling the truth. She says that Preeta is always accused of doing good to him. Karina is not happy, Kareena says that Krithika is still suffering. Sarla tells her that Akshay is the wrong man, Kritika finds a good person and she keeps her happy. She wants to know if Kritika will be good as she wishes for Preeta and Srithi.

Kareena asks Sarla not to compare Preity with Kritika. Preeta had to leave the house, and she tells Krithika that she could marry him. She argues with Karan and Rakhi who support Preeta. Kareena wants to expel Preeta, but Karan stands in her favor. He tells Kareena that if he expels his wife, he will leave the house too. Sarla tells Kareena that she will take her daughter from a family that no one believes. She does not listen to Karan. She tells Preeta not to fight Kritika. Preeta cannot save her future in the family, she tells how Krishna can save her future.

She claims that when Prieta was a real person, she did not donate her daughter to Lutras to bear the allegations. She says she knows Preeta well, and she supports her real daughter. Bani console for Kritika. She tells him not to leave Prema with such a family. Karan tells Sarla that Preeta did not trust him or engage him in any of his plans. Sarla tells her that she trusted Preeta blindly.

She asks Karan to trust Preeta without asking any reason. Karan says he has no reason to believe her. Sarla says that if Karan does not trust her then Preeta will not need to maintain any relationship. She pulls love and vision with her. She does not want Lutras to blame her any more. Sarla brings Preetha and Varsha home. She shares the whole incident with a junkie. He is very sorry that the matter is serious and has affected Karan and Preetha’s marriage. Karan and Preeta miss each other. What happens next?

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