Home Written Update Kundali Bhagya 15th December 2020 Written Update Preeta returns home for the...

Kundali Bhagya 15th December 2020 Written Update Preeta returns home for the night

Kundali Bhagya 15th December 2020 Written Update Preeta returns home for the night. She wants to know if Karan is asleep. She found Karan sleeping. She doesn’t want to disturb his sleep.

Karan wakes up and looks at her back. Karan puts her hand into a pillow and teaches her to lie down on the bed. He flirts with her. Preeta argues with him about his over-smartness.

He tells her he doesn’t want her hand like a pillow. She asks him to lie down on the bed. Karan grabs his wife’s hand and orders her to lie down on the bed. She says she’s tired and doesn’t want to entertain his kiddish behavior. He gets down to the argument.

He tells her that this is the way to tell her that she should sleep on the bed. They fight for the bed. She says she’ll give him one last chance to apologize. She tells him he can sleep on the couch if he apologizes. He throws a pillow.

He says if she gets back the pillow, she’ll give him a chance to sleep on the bed. She agrees with him. She asks him to remember his promise. As she walks away, he locks the door and teases her. He tells her she’s sleeping outside the room. He tells her that he missed her so much, he was upset with her because she was late.

He let out an indignation that she still wanted to sleep separately. He tells her she can sleep in the living room. She says it looks odd, and Rakhi’s fight feels bad. He says his fights are not new to the family. She says she can sleep on the bed. He closes the window as well. Preeta looks at him ruthlessly.

Karan feels that she took him seriously and really walked away. He envied her by enjoying his alone time in the bedroom. He says he sleeps in peace. Preeta is angry at him.

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