Home Written Update Mazhya Navryachi Bayko 23-11-2020 Written Update: Gurunath gets fired!

Mazhya Navryachi Bayko 23-11-2020 Written Update: Gurunath gets fired!

Mazhya Navryachi Bayko 23-11-2020 Written Update: Gurunath gets fired!

In Previous episode  Of Mazya Navarrachi Biko, Maya is angry about Shanaya being the CEO and tells Gurunath to take revenge against Radhika and Shanaya. Radhika explains Shanaya to Shruti, but as she refuses to listen, Shanaya cries.

Watch what happens next Mazya Navarrachi Biko:

In the next episode Mazya Navarrachi Biko, Gurunath tells Kedi about his frustration with Shanaya and Maya who tells him that Maya is more successful than him and can help him change.

Shanaya refuses to sign the contractRadhika tries to defuse the situation. Shanaya suggests that she keep the competition between herself and the new girl and then decide who she is Highly qualified for the job. Shruti says the new RJ will announce a man and his name. Radhika was shocked when Soumitra walked away from Shanaya. Soumitra refuses to budge so he gets into an argument later.

Yashwant calls her and tells Maya Gurunath that she should be fired from her job. Maya comforts him and tells him he can be the husband of the house until he gets a job but Gurunath gets angry. Radhika, Shanaya and Soumitra argue Working with RJ Since Radhika refused to believe in Soumitra’s actions.

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