Home Entertainment Meet the cast of Hasseyan Da Halla…Payega Jaswinder Bhalla

Meet the cast of Hasseyan Da Halla…Payega Jaswinder Bhalla

Meet the cast of Hasseyan Da Halla…Payega Jaswinder Bhalla

Good performance requires teamwork to shine magic. From the on-camera cast and the hard-working off-camera crew, everyone makes their efforts to magnify the show. Phen ಪ Punjabi Soon it will bring a storm of laughter with a new comedy show Hassayan da Halla… Payega Jaswinder Bhalla. And we’re here to give you a quick introduction of the entire cast.

The new non-fiction show digs into related issues with its tongue-in-cheek humor. After some celebrity interaction, some hilarious jokes and lots of loneliness with a celeb guest. Wait, haven’t you seen the trailer? See you once.

Wake Laya? Now we introduce you to the entire cast.

Jaswinder Bhalla

Source: Instagram

Jaswinder Bhalla, the leader of this trope, is here. Shri Bhalla is a popular veteran of Bollywood. Their Midas touch brings freshness to the films The band waje, Saab Bahadar. In this new show, he is the host-anchor-showrunner.

Nisha Bano

Here comes the beauty. The Surki Bindi Actress Nisha Bano is perfect Patola To enhance the glamor aspect. Nisha is Bhalla’s companion, and she topples the house with her humor.

Gurpreet Kaur posture

Another familiar name is Gurupreet Kaur Bhangu. The Nikka Zaildar The actress is known for her surreal and satirical comedy, and her association with Bhalla is bombastic on the show.

Sanjeev Atri

Actor and stand-up comedian has proven his screen presence in films like Sajeev Atri Amanat, Son of Manjeet Singh, And What the Jat. So their inclusion guarantees entertainment.


Actor-writer Minto is another promising talent that will make the show more fun. Minto and others will make sure your weekends aren’t boring, and laugh, you’ll find the best medicine for you.

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