Mouna Raagam 10th February 2021 Written Update: Shakti and Mallika visit the doctor. The doctor reviews Mallika’s report and says that Mallika’s condition has deteriorated and suggests surgery for him. He advises you to visit a doctor in Chennai who will give you more details about the surgery. Mallika asks if she can have surgery anywhere other than Chennai. Doctors say they know Chennai doctors so they can talk to you to reduce the cost of surgery.
Shakti agrees, but Mallika is reluctant. The doctors give the details of the Chennai doctor asking to visit them. They take leave. Shakti asks Mallika to wait. She goes back and asks the doctor if Mallika is safe. The doctor assures her that her friend is a specialist and will take care of everything, including the cost of surgery. Shakti thanks him and leaves.
Karthik meets Manoharan. The second was that the music teacher who was teaching the children suddenly quit the job. She suggests hiring a music teacher. Kartik says tuning is not capable of handling small children so they need to find another solution.
Karthik says that when he went to the temple for a musical concert, he arranged for a girl (Shakti) to sing with him. She sang very well. She teaches a song in the village. He suggests hiring the girl. Manogaran doubts that she is able to teach here in the city. Kartik says she has no doubt in her talent. They contact the music program operator and get an energy address.
Shakti asks Mallika if she thought of going to Chennai. Mallika says there is no need to go to Chennai. Shakti tries to convince Mallika. Mallika Darshani says that if they go to Chennai, they are likely to find their father, uncle or aunt. They should not disturb Kartik, they should move on with their families. Shakti says she is going to the hospital in Chennai, how can her father know about it.
Mallika has refused. If she cannot come, at least let her go to Chennai so that she can show her scan reports to the doctor and get his opinion. Dad could not recognize her, when she sits beside him, how he finds her identity in Chennai. Mallika says she will not come or go to Chennai. No need to go to Chennai and save her.
Kartik tells Manohar that the girl’s got the address. Manogaran asks her what her name is. Kartik says the truth (Shakti). He praises her. He asks his assistant to send an appointment letter to the girl’s address for a music teacher job. Manogaran says the girl may not respond to their letter because she has not applied for the job. Kartik says those who love music will never deny such an opportunity.
Shakti sings a song. Mallika talks about energy childhood and how she sings the same song to her brother. Mallika grieves as she remembers her brother and his family. Expressing her desire to meet him. Shakti says they should have been looking for him enough. Mallika agrees. She tells Shakti that if something happens with her, she should go to them, contacting Pagan and Swarna. They look after her. She must also contact her uncle and aunt. After her, they all look after her. Shakti asks her to do so, she saves her from everything.
Karthik and his family appear to be having a go. Grandma asks about music classes. Karthik says he has arranged for a new music teacher. Grandma asks who it is. Kartik tells the girl who sang with him a village concert. Kandambari, tuning, and Kandambari’s mother look shocked.