Home India Nagin 19 October Update -Bani suspects Sakura

Nagin 19 October Update -Bani suspects Sakura

At the beginning of the serial, Bani becomes suspicious of Sakura and realizes that the person in front of her is Weir, not someone else. The Weir family is distracted by the lost red stone. He tells Weir, that is, Sakura, to find the stone. Bani says that if that stone is so important, they should see it. Bani thinks that Weir can only touch the red stone, and when she finds out that a person who looks like Akash cannot touch it, she will know that he is not Weir, but someone else. Sakura can’t understand why she’s so excited about Bani stone.

Bani tells Veer’s family members that he has heard from Veer’s mouth that he can find a stone on the Chandubi hill, then they have to go there. Daksha says he will go with him too. But Sakura refuses to let him in the house because Pankaj is also not well. Bani starts to take Sakura by force. Sakura asks her why you are so excited about the red stone. According to her, Bani is doing this for her own purposes. Bani says yes to it. She explains that she has benefited from the red stone, so she wants to get the stone. That’s when she saw Panditane. Bani goes to her. She tells Bani about the power of the stone and tells her to take the stone to the Prayag River because it is a positive place so stone can be protected from evil people. Bani says that for some reason she is going to Chandubi hill but she takes the stone with her. She tells Bani to look after her as the Chandubi hill is a dangerous place. Bani tells her not to worry. And goes to her room. She is taking the stone and tying it in a red cloth. Mayuri notices it and tells Sakura and the others about it.

Bani leads the hill with Sakura. Jai sets up an elusive trap for her, and Mayuri and Shukla are ready to hunt. Ben asks Sakura to stop the car before reaching the hill. He asks why. The mountain is close here, so Bani says he should call that stone from here. Sakura doesn’t understand Bani’s plan and starts calling the stone. Bani understands that he cannot become Weir, because he knows that the stone is with her if he has to. Does Bani know how to call a stone or say he is making a drama? He tells her that she must walk up the hill with him to let him know where the stone is. Sakura pulls Bani up the mountain. There Bani sees Shukla and Mayuri. Bani realizes that Shulka is a cheater and is cheating on the Veer family. Mayuri and Shukla arrest Bani but himself in jail. And all this is the effect of red stone. End of issue.

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