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Pariksha Pe Charcha 2021: Vijayja students will be able to discuss the test with Prime Minister Narendra Modi

Pariksha Pe Charcha 2021: Students communicate directly with the Prime Minister on these issues, whether they emphasize board examinations or any good suggestions come to mind. In fact, the Government of India has released information regarding the fourth edition of the test. Under this, school students, teachers and parents will be able to participate in the program. Students, parents and teachers have to join an online competition to discuss the test with PM Modi. Winners will be selected for the event. The Central Secondary Education Board (CBSE) has released this information to schools.

Selected winners participate in the virtual program
Students in grades 9 through 12, including their parents and teachers, will have the opportunity to participate in the program. Given Kovid’s status, this time the event is virtually run. These students will join the PM through videoconferencing. However some selected winners will also have the opportunity to interact directly. CBSE is hosting an online competition for this. Prior to the exams, students were being educated by the school to participate in the program organized by the Prime Minister for participants from the district. It aims to register more students.

To be able to participate this way
Significantly, the Prime Minister has organized a debate program on the test to encourage aspirants and suggest tips for success. The event is held every year in January, but due to late tests, this time in March. For this, you need to send your opinions by participating in the government website MyGOV and MyGOV app. To participate in the competition one must register in the application. After this, students will be required to send an entry in any of the five specified topics. Also, students can send their query to the principal in 500 letters. After this, they get a chance to join the program by selecting the winner.

Winners will be presented with questions
In this case, the winner will have the opportunity to join the virtual program directly with the Prime Minister. At the same time, students, parents and teachers selected based on their entries receive awards. Each winner will also receive a specially designed appreciation certificate and a special ‘debate test’ kit. Some winners have the opportunity to interact directly with the Prime Minister and ask questions. In addition, the winner will also be given a digital souvenir of his autographed image with the Prime Minister.

Students will be able to send entries on these topics
-Exams like festivals, celebrate them (picture your favorite subject).
-India is incredible and amazing, travel and discover (Imagine that your friends have come to your city on a three day trip. How do you make their trip memorable in the categories of sightseeing, delicious food, and memorable experiences).
– As soon as one trip is over, another trip begins (describe the most memorable experiences of your school life)
– Not a desire to be something, but a desire to do something (if there is no restriction on resources or opportunities, what would you like to do for society and why?)
– Make Money (Thank You Card Thank You)
Write a related question to deal with the stress of the exam, which you would like to ask the Prime Minister.

So many participants are chosen
15 hundred students are selected from schools
250 parents are selected
250 teachers will be selected

Competition at a glance
Students will be able to participate from 9 to 12 p.m.
The opportunity to compete until March 14th
Question to be sent to the Prime Minister in 5 hundred words

Makes students and parents aware
Jyoti Dahiya, Principal of DAV Public School, NH-3, spoke to CBSE regarding the test discussion program. Also, it is said that more and more students should participate, for which they will be made aware. Upon order, students will be motivated to participate in the competition and will be guided on how to participate. This is an attempt by school students to get a chance to interact with the Prime Minister.


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