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PM Modi said at the Indian Toy Fair – India has tradition and technology in the toy sector

Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the country’s first toy fair on Saturday. PM Modi virtually participated in the fair, where he talked to many toy makers.

Speaking of children, PM Modi is a specialty of children for Varanasi artisans who want to live what they see. Now it was time for Corona, and then the kids would say there should be a mask to play with.

PM Modi, who gave an example of a girl who went viral a long time ago, said the girl had a leg fracture. He had to put his feet up. The doctor built a toy strap. The girl began to cooperate with this. It shows that the toy becomes a part of children’s lives.

“Chess, the most popular in the world today, was first played in India as ‘Chaturanga or Chess’. The modern Ludo was later played as ‘Pachichi’. Look at our texts.

The Prime Minister said this first toy fair was not just a business or economic event. The event is a link to strengthen the country’s old sports and sports culture.

Major parts of PM Modi’s speech

– The country now ranks the toy industry in 24 major sectors. A national toy action plan has also been prepared. 15 Toys and Departments to Make these Industries Competitive, Toys and Countries in India to Go Self to Go To The World: PM

In the field of toys, India has tradition and technology, India has concepts and capabilities. We can take the world back to eco-friendly toys, bring our stories of India to the world through the computer games of our software engineers: PM

Play-based and activity-based education are widely included in the new national education policy. It is an education system, where children can be raised through puzzles and games through logical and creative thinking, with special attention given to: PM

-Indian games and toys have the qualities of knowledge, science, entertainment and psychology. Take as an example of latte. When children learn to play with a latte, they are taught the lesson of gravity and balance in playing Lato: PM

As a child plays with a slingshot – inadvertently begins to learn the basics about kinetic energy from potential. Puzzle toys develop strategic thinking and problem solving thinking. Similarly, newborns also begin to experience circular motion by tingling and twisting of the arms: PM

Great toys for ecology and psychology

“Today I want to appeal to the toy makers of the country to make toys that are good for both ecology and psychology! Can we try to use plastic at least in toys? Use recyclable materials.”


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