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Qurbaan Hua 1 December 2020 Written Update : Chahat and Neil were terrified

Qurbaan Hua 1 December 2020 Written Update : Chahat and Neil were terrified

At the beginning of the serial, Godhmbhari said he was helpless, so he sold these bangles. Chahat, Godambari said he should inform anyone in the house and said that Neil Sarasvati is a little sensitive about things.

Nippel Bhupinder has admitted that he was tracking Chapat as he was a little careless, so he turned on her GPS tracker. Suddenly Neil went there and Goddambari and Saud went to speak the truth in front of her. Godgambari has said he has done nothing to blackmail Blackmail for the money. Neil trusted her and told her to call him in the factory. Neil made Chahat’s sit-ups to come to Alone to catch the culprit, then Chahat convinced Neal to bring in the fraudsters. Then both Neil and Chahat were quarreling and fooling each other. He asked Bhupinder to decide who was more stupid than Bhupinder refused to say anything. Suddenly the wheat mill arrived and within 30 minutes the blackmailer said he was behind the factory.

Vas Ji discussed with Alekh about buying a piece of factory land for Neil because he can shoot his videos there. Vyas Ji and Jamunaparshad went to talk to the factory owner. Alekh thought he had done something before things went bad. Chahat and Godhmbari told him to leave the factory but Chahat said he would not leave Neil alone after the last incident. Then they both went inside and in different directions. Chahat, observing her father’s watch asleep, suddenly saw a man with a firearm and began to panic.

Neil tried to trick the man by pulling Chahat back and making a barking noise. Then Neil was getting closer he suddenly muffled the boxes and the guy pointed his gun at Neal. Neil kicked his hand and grabbed his collar and started shouting at him and uncovered his face. Chahat was terrified to see that guy working for Gazala. Suddenly Vyas Ji and Alekh arrived, and Goddamhari came in and informed the Blackmailer.

Suddenly the Gazla driver shouted that he only knew the truth about Chahat. Chahat and Neil were terrified, and the others were confused. Gothambari stepped forward and slapped Chahat and told him not to make fake allegations. Suddenly the police came and arrested him and took him away. Finally they shouted back and believe me Chahat is Muslim

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