Home Written Update Qurbaan Hua 26 January 2021 Written Update

Qurbaan Hua 26 January 2021 Written Update

Qurbaan Hua 26 January 2021 Written Update

At the beginning of the serial, Chahat was escaping, but Godambharyi noticed her and shouted that a girl of a different religion was secretly trying to enter her home. Alekh Vyas ji put another religion locket under his pillow. Godambhari deliberately left the wooden stairs with a stick and asked Chahat to jump out. Chahat goes down, but Neal catches her. Neidh rebukes Godhambari for doing this deed. Alekh came in and accused Chahat of putting the locket under Vyas Ji’s pillow. Neil took a stand on Chahat and said no one would bother her as long as I am with her.

Neil rebuked Chahat for not informing him about the condition and getting into trouble. Chahat said we were married yesterday, and today you started to quarrel with me. Neil acts like a chahat laughing gazelle. Neil and Chahat both find employment for themselves.

Chahat called on Neil and listed some things for Capricorn. Neil was worried because nobody gave him stuff because he was married to a girl of a different religion. Neil saw that it was difficult for one person to take the other person to the top of the temple, so he took that responsibility and started walking towards the temple.

Neil received a call from his friend and a large order for dessert. Neil felt like he was getting a little older and a little bit more out of this pith. Badi Ammi came to Neil to take him to the temple on this pithu. Badi Ammi gives him more money, but Neal refuses to take it from her.

Chalhat saw Alekh with Vyas Ji and asked him why he brought him outside in this state. Vyas Ji told Alekh to tell her not to worry about him. He came to meet Body Ammi Chahat, but I came here to see if you are still alive or not, ”he said. Chahat Badi went to fetch water for Ammy, but there was no water in her pot so she told Godamhari to turn on the motor.

The godmother quarreled that we had no water for another religion. Them Badi descends into an ammy and goddamn argument, and Chahat is trying to calm him down. Finally, Chahat Badi told Ammi to leave because there was no need for Vyas Ji worship. Badi Ammi is offended by this and leaves. Chahat felt guilty for talking to her like this.

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