Home India Qurbaan Hua 30th October 2020 Written Episode Update

Qurbaan Hua 30th October 2020 Written Episode Update

Qurbaan Hua 30th October 2020 Written Episode Update

Kurban Hua 30 October 2020 Chahat gets a phone call. Neil gets a call from Ropindr. The godfather stood outside the room. Chahat asks to put the phone on the speaker, she wants to tell Ropindra that her form has been submitted. Ropindra scolds Neil for not supporting Chahat and calling him to fill out the PG entry form. Chahat tells Ropindran that this form is filled with his childhood neighbors. Ropindra tells her to study hard. There, Godambari thinks he will not leave Chahat to study hard. Neil had brought course books for Chahat. Chahat wanted to thank Neil. He asks to wear shorts again, she looks hot in them. Chahat irritated him. The godfather wonders if their romance is not over yet. Neil wonders where the sari he bought went, and who can order such little clothes. Chahat was reluctant to give her opinion and tape her mouth. Neil pulls out the tape, but it hurts Chahat. He kisses her lips.

Chahat asks Neil, who is wearing fashionable clothes at home. Essays the blue naveli. Godavari wonders what Naveli has ordered now. She was worried. They think they belong to Naveel, but Chahat says Neil can have his own opinion. Neil goes to talk to Naveli.

Outside, Blue and Chahat ask about the parcel from Naveli. Balek was also there and inquired who could order a small garment in his house. He asks about a parcel from the back of the cartridge and takes it from Neil. She was shy and said it was her anniversary, so her husband brought her a gift. Everyone was shocked when they heard this. Neil confirms if she’s sure? Godavari walks past and tells her to question Jamuna. Neil asks Navelli if there is another parcel. Balek brings out the parcel. Chahat was delighted to see the red sari. This is what Neil said. The goddess warned Balek that the next time something was gifted to her daughter, it must be in hand. She is not there every time to save them.

Jamuna comes to tell Vyas Ji that a vigilante singer is not available. He has spoken with another singer. Vias Ji massages the shoulders as a sitter for Jamuna. Jamuna stands up with respect. Vias ji says that although he may leave after the death of his wife, he will always stand by his side. He is bigger than his brother. If Chahat doesn’t save him…. Chahat comes from behind and asks Jamuna to look after her. They take care of the preparations. She asks him not to believe she is too young anymore. Jamuna didn’t get a clue. Chahat says he can take care of the singer and the flower decorator; They could have done so. Jamuna was upset that his niece was strict now.

Inside, the godfather scolds Naveli for not taking care of her parcels, even though she knows that Balek has ordered a small dress for him.
Vyas presents the G Health Tracker Band as a gift to monitor Chahat’s health.

Gajala calls for Gajambari to apologize for leaving the house without any prior notice. She suffers from fever and fears that she is suffering from COVID. Wheatbury gets angry and says Chahat is also preparing for some testing and is not free. Ghazala understands that Chahat should prepare for the PG entrance exam. Gajala thinks Vagus ji is unaware that he will be killed on the alert.

There, Chait reads Vias Ji’s breathing pattern in the band. Neil thinks no one cares about her real family, she takes care of her family. Vyas ji really treats her instead of bhias.

In the room, Neal was holding a portable fan for Chahat while he was studying. He thanks her for taking care of her family despite being a fake daughter. Chahat describes what the Prophet said was to do good for those who want to break relationships. She follows what she has been taught. It is thought that she is not the son-in-law’s real daughter, yet her relationship with the family is real. Neil admired Chall’s thought. Chahat tells him to let her study. Neil sits holding a fan for her while she studies.
The next morning, Chahat thinks she must complete surgery, medicine Shadi and Ortho today. The godfather takes her downstairs and engages Chahat in sorting the seeds. Godabari notices her hesitation and asks if she has any other important work to do. Naveli and Balek get there. Godamir whispers to him that Chahat should not get a minute free. Naveli was determined to see him pass the exam. Chahat turns to leave the room. Navali brings flowers to her for decoration. After floral decoration, he brings the floor coverings to the wheatgrass tea. Balek carries a bundle of floor coverings. The three see Chahut busy with household chores. Chahat wonders how much revision she will be able to make now. Naveli sends Chahat to get ready and leaves pillows to match her. Chahat is tense and wonders if she will pass the exam.


Qur’an Hua 2 November 2020 Written Issue UpdateSahil sends Chahat to study hard in a corner with his notes hidden in the Kathi book (sacred story book). Vias Ji asks for a storybook. They all see Chahat backing them up.

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