Home India Railways set a new record during the Corona

Railways set a new record during the Corona

Railways set a new record during the Corona era. The highest number of train bogies was produced in October. Indian Railways have set a new record in this crisis despite the economic downturn at all times. The previous record of being a trainer during the previous Kovid-19 under Make In Dandia was broken. Giving this information, Railway Minister Piyush Goyal said LHB’s highest productivity doubled.

The minister said the Kapurthal Rail Coach Factory had produced 5.88 bogies per day and 3.08 bogies during the period. He said the Railcoat has done an excellent job in the area of ​​preparing Corona emergency trainers, increasing railway capability and making LHB the Lynch Halfmay Bush trainer. Moreover, the Kapurthala rail factory set a record high in October.

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