The country’s senior investor Rakesh Hun Hunwala has taken a big decision. In fact, Unum hunwala has reduced its stake in Tata Group, Tata Motors and Titan. At the same time, apart from increasing its stake in the Federal Bank, IndiaBulls also has a stake in Housing Finance.
How much of a share: Rakesh & Hunwala bought a 2.2 per cent stake in Indiabulls Housing Finance in the June quarter. A June BSE shareholder sample from IndiaBulls Housing Finance showed that Rakesh Huangwala bought 2.17 per cent or 1 crore shares in the company during April-June.
In addition, Unjunjwala has added Federal Bank shares by reducing Tata Motors’ stake in its portfolio. According to data provided by the Federal Bank, Rakesh Hun Hunwala’s stake in April-June was 2.78 per cent or 5,75,00,000 shares, down from 2.40 per cent in March 2020, or 0.38 per cent from 4,72,21,060 shares. Much more.
This company has made investors rich, with wealth increasing 6 times in a year
On the other hand, they have cut their stake in two Tata Group companies – Tata Motors and Titan Company. In March, he owned 4,27,50,000 shares of Tata Motors, but in June it fell to 3,77,50,000. Let us tell you that Rakesh Unum Hunwala is known as one of the biggest investors in the Indian stock market. He is known as Warren Buffett of India. American billionaire Warren Buffett is known as the world’s largest investor.