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Raw onion gets rid of these 6 issues in the summer, learn how it works

The summer has come! And as temperatures rise, there are many common health problems that we must face. Therefore, it is very important to include certain foods in your diet for the smooth functioning of the body. So, this .It is one of the beneficial vegetables to eat every day.

Why onions are so special

Onion is a basic vegetable that absorbs large amounts of nutrients from the soil. High levels of sulfur compounds give this vegetable its flavor and aroma. Packed with high concentrations of antioxidants, vitamin A, B, C and iron, it helps keep our body systems in check.

In addition to sulfur, onions also contain quercetin, which combats antioxidant and harmful free radicals.

Here are the benefits of eating onions in the summer

1. High temperature

Onions keep you cool during the summer because it has cooling properties. It contains volatile oil, which helps to balance body temperature. In summer you can eat raw onion as a salad. Eating raw onions during the summer can also increase vitamin C levels.


2. Indigestion and constipation

Onions are high in fiber and prebiotics are good for gut health. So, with the help of onions, you can keep your digestion healthy. Onions promote cardiovascular health by regulating cholesterol levels.

3. Heat stroke

Prolonged exposure to the sun can cause heat stroke. In such a situation, eating raw onions will keep the body cool from the inside out. Onion paste is very effective in the treatment of heat stroke because it has excellent absorption properties. This paste is used to treat heat stroke on the forehead, behind the ears and on the chest.

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4. Unbalanced blood sugar

Diabetics should also include onions in their diet. Onion has a glycemic index of 10, which is considered good for diabetics. It contains only a few carbs and a large amount of fiber. These characteristics together make the onion ideal for diabetics.

5. Hypertension

Onions are also good for your blood pressure. It contains potassium, which plays a role in regulating blood pressure. People with high blood pressure should consume onions in salad form.

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6. Sunburn

Onions are not only beneficial for your body in the summer, but it also proves beneficial for your skin. Onion juice can be applied externally as a good treatment for sunburned skin. It is also beneficial for hair.

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