Home Written Update Saath Nibhana Saathiya 2 25th November 2020 Written Episode Update

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 2 25th November 2020 Written Episode Update

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 2 25th November 2020 Written Episode Update

Gehna runs away and Jamna cries. Anant Devima picks up his Kumkum and sketches Lakshmana Rekha as the family dares to cross it. He says that Ravana has been laughing and crying for good. Ba asks him to stop. He promises not to interfere, and starts littering Souza, who keeps the son-in-law’s brother in the house forever, no matter how dare he touch Gehna.

Hema appeals to everyone to stop Anant, otherwise her brother dies. She then asks for Baal, but Bapuji stops saying that Ananta has promised him. As the girl enters, Lakshmana crosses the line and continues to trash Anant Sagar. Everyone’s eyes wide open to see it. Anant calls her Radhika. Everyone thinks this is who it is. Radhika asks him what he is doing, she has known him for years and she saw him for the first time very angry, what is happening and what is wrong with him.

He asks how she got here. She tells him to tell him later. Hema shouts that Anant has made a mistake by unnecessarily putting her troubles in the trash. Kanak stops her and tells her that Ankita does not know her with Bapuji’s permission, but thanks for stopping Anant.

Kanak asks Sagar to tell you exactly what happened. Sagar thanked her for asking for her opinion and accused her of seeing Gehna enter Anant’s room, followed her and saw that she was stealing something. Hema shouted at Gehna. Sagar falsely tells Anant. Anant says he is not and asks why he held Gehna’s hand. Sagar tells her to stop stealing. Tia says they should listen to Gehna’s too.

Ba does not worry Gehna and talks about what happened with her. Gehna cries. Sagar says that Gehna convinces everyone with her crocodile tears. Hema shouted that she was protecting herself from tears. Gehna tells her that Abema protects her and tells her that she didn’t steal anything. Bapuji says he knows Gehna will never steal anything. Hiral asks why Gehna went to Anant’s room.

Gehna says that Anant has called her. Anant asks when did he call her. Sagar says she is now blaming Anant. Gehna says that Anant has taken her to his room. Sapon brings tanu. Sagar gets tense by recalling the incident. Sapan asks Tanu who told him that Anant took Gehna to his room.

Tell her that Sagar told her that. Sapon takes her. Sagar becomes more tense. Anant says that it is now true that Sagar invited Gehna to his room. Sagar says this is a lie. Gehna says she is not lying and that this is not the first time what Sagar has done with her today and that he tried it many times. Everyone stops in shock. Hema reminds Gehna that Sagar tries to touch her repeatedly. Anant also recalls seeing Sagar in Gehana’s room.

Radhika says Sagar has committed a major crime and Anant should call the police. Ba and Bapuji look at each other in anxiety. Anant had earlier put Sagar in the trash and now Hema shouted that the police should trash him. Gehna requests Anant not to call the police and ruin Ba and Bapuji’s dignity.

Hema shouts that the family is trusting the stranger and not her multiple and her brother, she will not stay in the house not respecting her brother. She grabs Sagar’s hand and walks towards the door, hoping that someone will stop her, but no one does. She then tells her to take her children and not let their mother stay in a place that does not respect them.

Prekap: Anant tells her Praful that Gehna works too much for the family and that they should repay her. Praful asks what he should do. Anant tells her to marry him and he proposes to marry Gehna, all shocked.

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